Wednesday, 21 May 2008

No point beading around the bush, etc.

I never realised quite how many beads I had until, late one night, I decided it would be a good idea to sort through the big tub of assorted-things-with-holes-in and arrange them in little bags in an embroidery box. Where all the various garish plastic things came from, I've got no idea, but they're now neatly sorted and waiting to be used. Or something.

The thing is, what would probably have seemed like a treasure trove of delights when I was younger is actually a bit of a nightmare now. It's nice to have all these beads at my disposal but what on earth am I actually going to do with them? How many alphabet bead bracelets am I going to make now that I'm not twelve any more, and walking round wearing a bracelet proclaiming my love for some baby-faced actor is not a possibility? How many words can you spell with a bag of metal Gs and Js (maybe I should start up a new language. Gjggjg gj!)? Bags and bags and bags of little tacky-looking pastel-coloured flower beads; lots of pretty glittery stars and dice beads which would probably make me look like a scene kid if I attempted to make a bracelet out of them; copious amounts of glass seed beads that give me the fear just to look at them. I wish that I could wave my hands and do wonderful things with beads, but fortune doesn't seem to be on my side with this one. Instead, it seems, I'm doomed to spend the rest of my days dropping tiny beads in between the floorboards and accidentally letting the end of the thread go.

I don't know. I like to think that one day I'll look at my beads and think "Hey, those would look great strung like this, with one of these on the end and arranged like that..." instead of taking apart three bracelets only to later assemble one bracelet which looks just like the first three.

Just you wait. In ten years, my glorious beaded creations will be available worldwide, and, armed with my pliers and 0.4mm wire, I shall, er, ply my way to world domination. (How's that for comma splicing?)


Wednesday, 14 May 2008

I am still alive

OH GOD I AM SO LAZY. I haven't actually done anything recently. You'd think, with all the procrastinating I've been doing recently, that I've been busy knitting, sewing, gluing - alas not.

Although I did do some late-night collaging in the journal (which is fast becoming more of a mindless distraction than anything else - I suppose that's a good thing....). And doodling. Maybe it'll end up like Faris Thingy from the Horrors' oh-so-indie-hipster Moleskine notebook. I should start wearing a bird's nest on my head and some super-skinny jeans, and THEN I WILL GET CREATIVE Y/Y??

The skirt fabric is still in its bag, I haven't even started that yet. I can't even blame the weather any more because it's been so sunny recently. I've been feeling quite summery, maybe I'll make some interesting beads out of FIMO and go all "new-boho" on your asses.

Mary jane slipper project abandoned: I forgot to start decreasing after however many rows and I ended up with a small knitted sack. Got frustrated and unwound it. However, we've got this French book of adorable baby knits and I'm determined to knit this jumper in it with a great big anchor on the front. You know how much I like anchors - and this forthcoming niece/nephew is going to be super-stylish, I'm going to make sure of it...
