Wednesday, 14 May 2008

I am still alive

OH GOD I AM SO LAZY. I haven't actually done anything recently. You'd think, with all the procrastinating I've been doing recently, that I've been busy knitting, sewing, gluing - alas not.

Although I did do some late-night collaging in the journal (which is fast becoming more of a mindless distraction than anything else - I suppose that's a good thing....). And doodling. Maybe it'll end up like Faris Thingy from the Horrors' oh-so-indie-hipster Moleskine notebook. I should start wearing a bird's nest on my head and some super-skinny jeans, and THEN I WILL GET CREATIVE Y/Y??

The skirt fabric is still in its bag, I haven't even started that yet. I can't even blame the weather any more because it's been so sunny recently. I've been feeling quite summery, maybe I'll make some interesting beads out of FIMO and go all "new-boho" on your asses.

Mary jane slipper project abandoned: I forgot to start decreasing after however many rows and I ended up with a small knitted sack. Got frustrated and unwound it. However, we've got this French book of adorable baby knits and I'm determined to knit this jumper in it with a great big anchor on the front. You know how much I like anchors - and this forthcoming niece/nephew is going to be super-stylish, I'm going to make sure of it...



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